Wednesday, August 11, 2010


Several moons ago at the spring equinox/Easter, the Boy Builder received a couple of packets of seeds as a spring gift. At the time, we indulged in a wee moment of despair as we looked out the window at the feet and feet of snow still on the ground and wondered if we would ever learn to garden in this climate.

But, ever onward and upward, last weekend I helped Eden spiff up his lounge a bit and we rediscovered the set aside seed packets. We made an impromptu plan to build a little garden box, plant some arugula and see what happens.

Lucky for us, a dear friend came to visit who regularly builds the garden boxes for his own family's garden and the Boy Builder wasted not a moment employing him for the task.

Thank you so much, dear Markus, for your expertise and assistance!

Then, Boy Builder and I found a good spot for the box, leveled it off, filled it with compost imported from our previous residence, saturated the compost with water, and planted the seeds.

Here's to springtime hopes transplanted to August and the promise an arugula seed can hold.

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